Monday, April 21, 2014

i know where the smart money flow is going and i think i was there first...CLY

Thursday, April 10, 2014

How will the USD react when Renminbi (Chinese Yuan) is introduced into the global market

What will happen to the US Dollar when the Renmbinbi because the 4th major trade currency? Well let's look at the introduction of the EURO, the Euro share of trade after 2002, and the US dollar after 2002. Correlation isn't causation but....

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Keep an Eye on The Fed

With Bernank gone there are 3 more nominations pending for the 7 member FED.

Currently, there are three Obama nominations pending before the Senate including Stanley Fischer, a former head of Israel's central bank who Obama has nominated as vice chairman. Fischer would succeed Janet Yellen who in February became Fed chair, the first woman to hold the position in the Fed's 100 year history.

Just a guess here but I predict the FED will increasingly look like a 7 pack of Dove soap. ZIRP til mid-term elections. 

I'd love to see a graph of 'FED independence' at least from the rest of the political branch, bank influence, well you know. I have heard it from the horse's mouth, "Do you really think a bunch of poorly paid PhDs are making the decisions. The brightest are at the banks and they telegraph directions to the Fed." At least that is how it used to work. Ah financial repression, now what should a retiree invest in for some income...