Thursday, December 8, 2016

Anti-fragility in the latest elections: The fragile (DNC) and the anti-fragile (RNC)

  1. don't do away with the electoral college, do away with superdelegates in the democratic party 
    1. by trying to control a system into pushing through a candidate (Clinton) the Democratic party became a fragile system that didn't let information about the candidate more likely to win (Sanders) move forward
    2. While Republicans rejected Trump, its Republican party allowed the information its voters were sending, lead their decision. Despite the chaos, the result was stronger and won, it was anti fragile
  2. don't move away from each other and self-segregate, move closer together
  3. work under the assumption any email can be hacked and read by a foreign party--that's not to say don't use email, it could, in fact, serve as a distraction

College students: how to make good money and lower your tuition costs

College Students:

Your current concerns may be higher tuition costs, student and car loans, perhaps you are concerned about our environment, gun control, human rights, abortion and hate speech--these are all valid concerns and represent a burgeoning political mindset.

Why are you worried about loans? Take a step back, why do you have to take out a loan?
Because college is so expensive? But I had to take out loans 15 years ago, as well. It's always been expensive. But it's more expensive now--this is true but what does this mean?

The truth is two-fold, one is that your earning power is weaker and tuition is more expensive. Cost of attending minus what you can pay + grants scholarships  = loan needed

As costs increase and your earning power decreases, the amount of your loan must increase and thus the return on investment from your degree must increase (But why would the ROI on degrees increase (all else equal)? I'm not sure of any evidence that they have and if anything, as more people get degrees, you'd expect the ROI to decrease as supply increases).

So if you can't change the ROI (overall--you could choose a 'better' degree but not everyone could do so) how can you influence the other variables? How can you make more money and lower your tuition costs? Use your voice and vote. Demonstrate on campus, at your capitol and at the local social security administration buildings.

It took me years to understand this after I graduated but my earning power and tuition costs are closely tied to how early my parents start drawing social security/health benefits and how much they receive. There are other ways the government spends money that could be curtailed but the largest expenditures (now and forecast) are entitlements (social security, medicare, Medicaid, etc.).

Vote for decentralization

Demand that Congress lift the retirement age for social security for you now.
Show your grandparents you're the generation that was brave enough and forward thinking enough to tackle this issue and not steal from your children--it's a noble cause.

But don't be taken advantage of, demand that your social security contribution be adjusted for the new retirement age. This will be the key to your earnings power increasing as less of everyone's paycheck goes to an unsustainable entitlement. Retirees may have to unretire, let them take that up with the politicians that lied to them or acquiesced. Just because it's a frail old grandmother robbing your doesn't make it right--stealing from the young is not exactly a moral highground.

You will see your earning power increase now and over your lifetime. you will make good money but You will also need to save and plan for a future where you will retire at 78!
Take up the cause, unite behind a 3rd party until the other parties address your concerns

It will seem strange at first but by voting for delayed benefits, will gradually increase each classes' earnings power, lower their tuition costs (as teachers receive less in entitlements) and improve your ROI for going to college.

With a government that isn't on its way to bankruptcy you will also be more prosperous, see less hate and fights for a shrinking 'pie', you'll have a more civil society, you can tackle environmental concerns and take on the causes that are most important to you now.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Carrie Tolstedt,
Image result for Carrie Tolstedt, John Sotoodeh
Image result for Darryl Montgomery

Daryl Montgomery

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Business Cycles and Chaos Theory

Larry Summers recently noted that:

The Fed traditionally restricts itself to managing the “business cycle”—fluctuations of output around a supposed long-term upward trend. Summers questions the very existence of a business cycle, an inherently optimistic concept implying that what goes down must come up. When output declines, his research shows, it never quite gets back to its original trajectory. Productive capacity suffers lasting damage, in part because laid-off workers lose skills.

Image result for chaos theoryin a dream i read it's not cyclical at all, it's chaos; i wonder if business cycles and consumer spending should be thrown into the chaos heap, or most likely many have already.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

four or 3 day work week? Can it spur demand?